Free Start Up vs. Kit Requirement
Some people won't join a company unless it's free to join. To be very blunt, you're better off without them on your team. These people are what some might call freebie seekers. Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with this. We all love a freebie, right? However, this really isn't something you need on your team. Why you ask?
When someone isn't required to invest at least a little bit of money, then they're also not required to put any thought into it either. I mean after all it's free, what's the loss? Since there's no need to invest any money, there isn't any. So they jump in head first without learning anything more than the "free sign up" only to find out later that the company isn't a fit after all. And think about this ... How many free companies have you joined simply for the discount? When you join a company for the discount, you really don't have any interest in marketing the business at all, do you? Now keep in mind, this isn't always true. Not by any means.
It's been my experience that when people are required to put a little money into it, they're more likely to actually think about it before they join. They will likely read all the fine print of becoming a consultant. Hopefully they'll actually make a purchase to test the ordering process, the shipping costs and time, the quality of the product and most importantly do a little research to see the marketability in their area. In other words, are they going to be able to sell this product in their area? How many other people are selling the same product or something similar?
Another point to keep in mind is that there is now an investment. They at least want to make that money back, right? There's more than likely a spouse or other family member who is going to expect them to at least give it a good try because there is now an investment.
Most companies offer start up kits that are perfect to give your business a jumpstart including some of their best sellers, samples, brochures, catalogs etc etc. Of course what each company offers is different but for the most part, this is generally what is included. Some companies have expensive start ups. However, most companies offer these products as greatly reduced prices making it very affordable to start your own business.
With that said, it brings me to my next thought. If your prospects can't afford an inexpensive start up kit, they may want to consider getting a j.o.b first and start their new business on the side. It takes time and money before your business will start making business. Against the popular belief, your business cannot survive on free advertising/promotion methods alone. You're going to have to invest some kind of money at some point. At the very least, you need business cards and catalogs. That list itself, can be longer however, you can at least get a small start there.
So to wrap up a long story, having a business that requires recruits to pay to start is not a bad thing. Happy recruiting!
Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank, owners of strive
to help women succeed in direct sales. For additional help with your direct sales business, visit
Labels: direct sales help, free article, free reprint article