Monday, January 23, 2006

Are You Taking Responsibility for Your Business?

Recently we conducted a survey at a work at home mom community, Mommy's Helper. The survey question was "Would you do something illegal, even if you probably wouldn't get caught?" Of course, the general consensus was "absolutely not!". This is the response you would expect from most anyone in the work at home mom community. We have to set an example for our children, of course.

However, it amazes me how often I see others involved in illegal activities or not taking responsibility for their business. No matter if it's using excuses to not deliver products on time or running a business without proper licenses - it's unethical, irresponsible, and sometimes illegal.

As they say, ignorance of the law is no excuse. It's true even online, and you could be subject to fines or even lose your business. The following are some examples of illegal or unethical practices you may be faced with, and how to handle them.

- Running raffles or illegal contestsEvery state has different laws, and in most states it's very illegal to run a raffle without a permit. In some states, raffles are considered gambling and you may not hold a raffle unless it's for charity. There are many raffle groups online, but that doesn't mean they are legal. Avoid!

- Selling food without a licenceDid you know in some states it's illegal to sell food without a licence? This applies to those who rep for food companies like Watkins, Gabby Goodies, Homemade Gourmet, and many others. It should also be especially noted that even if you don’t sell the food itself you may need a license. For example, let’s say you’re selling food choppers. Let’s say you’re demonstrating your food chopper and you let people sample the food … you need a license to do this also. Check your state laws before selling anything related to food. (Thanks to Kerri Knack of Homemade Gourmet and for this piece of information)

- Spamming, or sending advertisements without consentObviously, spamming is a big no-no. There are strict spamming laws that everyone should know before doing any kind of email marketing. Do NOTsend advertisements to those who didn't answer it. You can be fined and loose your email address.

- Copying ideas, websites, or adsWhile it may not be illegal to copy an idea, it's extremely unethical and not well received. Many have had ideas stolen from them, and do not like it in the least. Copying ads and websites on the other hand is illegal. It's called copyright infringement, and can get your website shut down. Hosting companies won't think twice about pulling the plug on your website hosting if there is a complaint.

- Using excuses for poor serviceNot illegal, but definitely unethical. Everyone should have a back up plan for emergencies. Customers will usually understand if you have a serious emergency, but not always. Word of mouth travels far - remember that.

There's many other unethical and illegal business practices out there, but this is just a few. Let us say this again - ignorance of the law is no excuse! Check with your local government if you are unsure of anything, or ask on a message board or group at the very least.

About the Authors: Anita DeFrank & Kara Kelso, authors of The Direct Sales Success Kit, specialize in coaching direct sales representatives to reach their goal of becoming successful in their field. For free weekly tips for your direct sales business go to

Note to publishers: The above article may be reprinted in your publication as long as the bio is kept intact and links are not altered. Please send a courtesty copy to mommyshelperonline @

Friday, January 13, 2006

3 Quick Tips to Boost Online Business

There are so many ways to increase your business online. The following are just a few ideas for direct sales reps to get the most out of their time online.

1. Create a Personal Site
So much can be done with your own website, it's an absolute must for even direct sales reps. If you rep for several businesses, a personal website is even more important. Some of the ways a personal site can increase your business:

- You'll only have one link to promote instead of several
- You can exchange links with other sites
- Be included in more directories
- Easier to remember web address
- More professional looking links
- Ability to get more personal
- Ability to put on more information about your business
- Feature your favorite products
- Many more!

If you need help getting started with your own website, we recommend "Step By Step Guide to Starting Your First Website". This ebook free with Direct Sales Success Kit, but can be purchased alone. More information at:

2. Product reviews
Show off your best products on a popular website! Showing your customers how great your products really are by having someone that isn't getting paid tell them. Mom's Market offers reviews at:

3. Write Your Own Articles
Yes, direct sales reps CAN write articles! You are an expert in your field, and no one knows your products better. What makes them great? Why should we buy? Those questions can be answered in an article that doesn't need to sound like an ad. Lay down some facts about your ingredients or why your product does what it does. Get creative and show off your knowledge!

When you are finished with your article, there are tons of places online that will accept it. There's just too many to list here, so be sure to stop by your favorite networking place to ask for a list. The response will most likely be good.

These are just a few ways to quickly increase your business online. More ways listed in the Direct Sales Success Kit - see our website for details.

About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. For more Direct Sales Success Tips, visit:

Note to publishers: The above article may be reprinted in your publication as long as the bio is kept intact and links are not altered. Please send a courtesty copy to

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Stop Losing Sales - Build Your Own Website

If you are in Direct Sales, you may not realize how many sales you are missing by not having a website of your own. Rep websites aren't usually indexed in the search engines, and most can't be personalized completely.

Let me give you an example of why it's so important to have your own website. I searched for "Watkins Vanilla" on Yahoo, Google, and MSN.

- On Yahoo, Watkin's company page was #7 in the listings. Ranked before them were reps with their own website.

- On Google, the company page was #5. Again, reps with their own websites ranked above them.

- MSN was the only place the company website was #1. However, following the company site were several personal websites.

Here's another term I searched: "Tupperware catalog" (which according to Word Tracker is searched over 300 times a day). On Google and MSN, Tupperware's company site wasn't even on the first page of results! On Yahoo it was the first, but of course personal websites followed.

So what does this mean to you? It's simple - there are millions of people searching for YOUR business or items from your business ever day. By having a personal website, you aren't lost in a sea of other rep websites in the search engines. Even the simplest of terms can work their way to the top of search engine results, in many cases giving you more free traffic than you can handle!

Of course, once you get those visitors there it's up to you to turn them into customers. The best way to do this is getting them on your list. More about newsletters next week.

So if you don't have a website already, start making plans now to build your personal website today!

About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. For more Direct Sales Success Tips, visit:

Note to publishers: The above article may be reprinted in your publication as long as the bio is kept intact and links are not altered. Please send a courtesty copy to

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Increasing Your Business With Product Reviews

A testimonial can be a wonderful thing for your business. Almost all successful companies use testimonials of some kind to show what they are saying about their business and products is the truth.

What good are product reviews?

- Give an unbiased review of a product
Sometimes we get so excited about our business, when we talk about our products it starts to sound like an ad. By giving the customer a chance to look at an unbiased review from someone that has nothing to gain from their recommendation, it gives the customer more faith.

- Better decision for the customer
Maybe they have questions or concerns about the product which they don't want to bother contacting anyone about. Some people are very quiet, and like to see what others are saying about certain things. By allowing them to read a review, you are giving them the chance to see the product from a non-ad side. They may or may not buy, but the main point is you'll have much more happy, valuable customers.

- Give suggestions to potential customers
Have you ever gone to a website and got lost in all the products? In an offline store, sales people can help point you in the direction of some interesting items. Online this isn't the case. Product reviews can offer that "suggestion" and point customers in the direction of those interesting products.

- Show your personality
In bigger direct sales companies, the competition between reps can be unreal. Having a product review written about you and your products can help bring your personality out. If a potential customer sees you as a recommended rep with reasons why, the chances of them going to you for their needs with this company is greater.

How do I get a review?

There's several different ways to have a product review written about you and your business. Some ideas include:

- Family or Friends
Most have tried your products, right? Ask them for some feedback, and what they think.

- Exchange Products
Find a rep for a non-competing business and swap products. You will need to find someone you trust to write a positive review.

- Freelancers
Some you may need to pay, but the rewards from a review can be much more that the cost of the article.

- Find Shopping Websites
Many websites online now offer to write reviews for you for free. It gives the website owner content, and you the chance to show off your best products. Mom's Market is one of these sites, and details on how to send in your product can be found at

Product reviews can help your business in many different ways. If you have a personal website verses a company site, the rewards are much greater.

About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. For more Direct Sales Success Tips, visit:
Note to publishers: The above article may be reprinted in your publication as long as the bio is kept intact and links are not altered. Please send a courtesty copy to